Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just, Meh.

As I sit writing this I have a pounding headache going, I'm not sure where this came from but it sucks. Lack of caffine today? Possibly. I'm banking on the fact that I actually just sat down after a busy day and my poor head can't keep up with all the craziness.

 I keep typing things out to say and then hitting the back space bar every other sentence. How do you describe the "Meh" feeling? Lately when people ask me how I'm doing, I say the common "I'm fine," I'm good," "Doing great, and you?" But that's not how I really feel. What I really want to say is "Meh. I've been better." But in doing so, it brings on the conversation of "what's wrong?" Well nothing in particular is wrong, per say, I just feel... not right.  Maybe I'm tired. Bored. Restless. Anxious. All of the above? I can't just exactly put into words everything that is.

I'm actually starting to wonder if I'm suffering from anxiety. Sometimes I don't know even know how I handle everything without losing it. Everyone just keeps telling me I'm strong but how much stronger can I be before I crack?


This isn't about anything is particular. I love my husband, I love my kids, Love my family, friends, clients, just something is not right with me. And that's all I can say at this point in time.

But one thing is very certain. I need some sleep.

(and none of this made any dang sense)

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